Subhash Silk Mills Limited (SSML) was founded as a Partnership Firm sometime in 1949 by Mr. Ved Prakash Mehra and his Bros. In November, 1970 the Firm was taken over by Subhash Silk Mills Ltd. The Com pany is one of the pioneers of textiles in the art-silk industry in India. On 4th August, 1988 the Company was deemed as a Public Limited Company and consequently came to be known as Subhash Silk Mills Ltd. Subsequently on 5th October, 1994 it got converted into a Public Limited company, namely Subhash Silk Mills Ltd. The company came out with a Rs 6.6-cr public issue (premium : Rs 40) in Mar.'95 to expand grey cloth manufacturing facilities, shift the existing factory from Andheri, Mumbai, to Sajgaon in Khapoli, and to reduce the work force by offering a voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) to bring down the wage cost per metre. The total fund requirement was estimated at Rs 15.40 cr. Presently, the Company is engaged in manufacturing of fabrics and warehousing activities. It manufactures fashion fabrics, dress material and jacquard's. It also manufactures shirts and ties and markets them under the brand name Cameo. It exports its products to the Gulf countries, mainly Saudi Arabia. The company is under lockout since 9th March, 1998. The Company ventured into the garment industry and is regularly supplying high quality garments for Corporates under the name 'Vastra Creations'.